Looking For An SEO Expert?

You just found one.  Read information, news, tips & insights related to Search Engine Optimization.  Keep in mind that SEO is a one man job. If you find an SEO Agency or an SEO Company, at the end, it will be one SEO Expert that will optimize your site, regardless of how large the agency or the company are. All you need really is just one Professional SEO. By hiring a Freelance SEO Consultant like myself, you will be reducing  your cost significantly.

Pump Up Your Rank With An SEO Expert

Grow Your Online Visibility With My SEO Site Audit & Action Plan

My SEO audit offers the quickest and most efficient method to identify the reasons behind your site’s lower-than-desired ranking. I will analyze your Google Analytics and Search Console accounts and provide data-driven money-making suggestions that once implemented will propel your site to the top with a significant boost to your ranking and placement. (Not to be confused with free site audits that are computer generated and provide useless info like your HTML title tag is too short or too long).

There are plenty of professional SEO experts around. But sometimes even an expert is not enough. Search engine optimization consultants are highly skilled, and you are competing against thousands of other sites and their SEOs for a Google first page position. If you want your website to rank on Google’s first page, you need an SEO Specialist, someone who is specialized in the art of website optimization, an SEO who knows Google intimately. As I have successfully optimized many websites and ranked them on page 1, I am absolutely the SEO Specialist you need.

Here’s Why You Should Consider Getting a Website SEO Audit:

In a world flooded with “Website SEO Audit Tools,” I offer something distinct – my expertise and experience spanning 25 years as a professional SEO. Rather than relying on automated tools, I offer you a personalized analysis driven by human insights. This unique approach delves deeper into your website’s intricacies than any automated tool ever could.

Think of my website SEO audit as a fresh perspective on everything. It’s like inviting a set of new eyes to scrutinize every facet of your site. This fresh outlook can make a tangible impact!

With my audit, you gain access to the insights of a seasoned expert. Discover the precise factors hindering your website from capturing more organic traffic from search engines. Not only will I diagnose the issues, but I’ll also provide actionable solutions and a strategic plan to address them. My goal is to empower you with the tools you need to enhance your traffic effectively.

A perfectly optimized website requires a delicate balance, often shrouded in ambiguity. How many keywords should interlace with every 20 non-keywords? What’s the optimal number of tags for a post? How many links should a page feature? Achieving naturalness is key, and my expertise enables me to swiftly identify any deviations from this natural flow.

For many website owners, deciphering their traffic sources and volumes remains a challenge. This is where Google Analytics and Google Search Console come in. As part of my comprehensive SEO site audit, I can even set up these accounts for you if you haven’t already. If you do have them in place, I’ll meticulously assess your traffic data, allowing me to offer well-informed, data-driven recommendations.

This aspect of the SEO audit holds immense potential, often yielding remarkable benefits. For instance, if I uncover a high-traffic page, I might strongly advise the creation of additional, yet distinct, pages with similar themes. This strategic move is a proven way to amplify your traffic flow.

Given that a single Google search yields millions of results, the distinction between appearing on page one versus page nine is minute but monumental. A seemingly minor tweak – a link addition or removal, a title change, or a few adjusted tags – can be the catalyst that propels your site onto the coveted first page.

My website SEO audit comprehensively outlines the elements of a well-optimized site. Rather than regurgitate pages of explanations, I commit to thoroughly examining every conceivable aspect of your site. To offer a glimpse, here’s an overview of what my audit covers:

  • SEO Audit and Expert Insights
  • Content Analysis and Optimization
  • Refinements in Copywriting
  • Strategic Keyword Research
  • Crafting and Optimizing Meta Tags (Title and Description)
  • Addressing Duplicate Content Concerns
  • Enhancement of Heading Tags
  • Comprehensive On-Page Optimization
  • Streamlined Permalinks Setup
  • Submission of XML Sitemap to Google and Bing
  • Optimization of H1 to H5 Tags
  • Implementation of 301 and 404 Redirections
  • Rectification of Webmaster Crawl Errors
  • Fine-Tuning of Internal Linking Structure
  • Site-Wide Optimization with Yoast
  • Site Speed Enhancement
  • Configuration of Robots.txt
  • Integration of Breadcrumbs
  • Technical Refinements for WordPress
  • Google Webmaster Tools (Search Console) Setup
  • Google Analytics Implementation
  • Establishment of Bing Webmaster Tools Account
  • Competitive Analysis
  • Optimization of Image ALT Tags
  • Image SEO Enhancements
  • Compression of Images for Improved Loading Speeds
  • Tag Optimization for Enhanced Visibility and Rankings
  • Submission and Indexing URLs on Google, Bing, and Yahoo
  • The ultimate outcome? A substantial uplift in your organic rankings.

A website SEO audit is a pivotal initial stride. Upon implementing my recommendations, allow a month to pass, and then return for a follow-up. This second audit holds equal value and offers the same service, all at a discounted rate of half the original cost.

To clarify, my website SEO audit generates a comprehensive report delivered via email. This report brims with valuable insights and suggestions. However, it’s essential to note that the actual implementation of these suggestions falls under your purview (unless a separate fee is arranged). I remain available for queries and follow-up, yet the responsibility to execute the optimization suggestions and enhancements lies with you. (As a gesture, I will set up the aforementioned Google accounts and may provide some content rewrites at my discretion, with the delivered content intended for you to integrate into the website).

Rest assured, my website SEO audit is conducted by a Senior SEO expert who specializes in website optimization. With my guidance, I’m confident you’ll witness tangible improvements.

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